Blog Directory Pakkits: Managing your stress

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Managing your stress

Tests, studying, and deadlines all add stress to your life. Decisions, learning, choices, and freedom are all great - but they all come with responsibility. Developing strategies to take care of yourself overall will also help you better handle stress.

Stress management quick tips

1. Assess

Take control of the situation in your mind and figure out where the stress is coming from. Choose to deal with the situation in a positive way; make a plan.

2. Imagine and seek success

It is important to keep your thoughts positive, calm, and confident. If you are feeling low, surround yourself with upbeat people.

3. Exercise

Building up your body's endurance helps you fight stress.

4. Laugh

When you smile, you release endorphins - your body's natural "happy drug". The more endorphins, the less chance for stress to take over.

5. Sleep

Fatigue slows your ability to deal well with stressful situations.

6. Eat right

Choose fruits, vegetables, complex carbohydrates, and low-fat protein, going easy on junk and high-sugar foods. This way you'll avoid sugar highs and lows and the mood swing that follow.

7. Take time out to rejuvenate yourself: relax, renew, and enjoy

Plan fun into your day.


8. Seek support from other people

Talking to others or seeking advice from family, friends, a counselor, or your advisor can often help you clear your mind, sort things out, and help you make better decisions. Don't be afraid to reach out.

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