Blog Directory Pakkits: What's in a name?

Monday, September 24, 2012

What's in a name?

Creating a name for your brand and product can be a difficult task. When our team was brainstorming about names to represent our student kits, we wanted to come up with a name that was short, catchy and original. After floating around many ideas, we arrived at "Pakkit". The name came from the idea of a Packed Kit, which was essentially what we were offering students. Everyone liked the name and it became the brand name of our product.

The name may sound strange to people who haven't read this blog. It may not make a whole lot of sense. But we're okay with that! We wanted to think outside the box and come up with a fun name. We've seen companies select questionable names and become very successful. I mean, what does an apple have to do with computers? Now it makes so much sense, they make the computers glow on the back! A name can seem strange at first, but based on what the name carries, it can develop a completely different image, story, set of values. That is why we selected Pakkits, and we're going to stick with it!

Last but not least, we've got to discuss the rooster in the room. Or in this case on the page. I'm sure you've noticed that handsome rooster perched at the top of this page. Well we're proud to announce that he is the new mascot for Pakkits! Why did we select a rooster? Well when you think of a rooster, what comes to mind? That shout they do every single morning sounds kind of like it's saying "Pakkits". I guess you might have to use your imagination. But the rooster does represent something. The rooster wakes up at dawn every morning and delivers a shout to start the day. This reminds us of the rise and grind style of students everywhere who get up every morning and go to school, working hard and completing all their assignments. So we wanted to create a fun mascot that also had a deeper meaning.

                                                                      Credit: Wikipedia

What do you think of our name?
What do you think of our mascot?
Do they mean something to you?

We'd love to hear your opinion!

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