Blog Directory Pakkits: Tips to Surviing Midterms

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Tips to Surviing Midterms

Tips to Surviving Midterms

      1. Schedule your time: It sounds simple enough right? Get a calendar and right stuff down. Well it’s a little more in depth than that. Let me tell you a true reality…multitasking is over rated! Use a planner or even a virtual calendar such as Google calendar to map out your time. Schedule specific finite time for each activity including: homework, studying and don’t forget to schedule breaks and free time. Scheduling a 20 minute break in between 1 hour sprints instead of studying is a great way to break up your time and stay on task.

  2. Move to a better space: Sometime is just too hard to study at home. There are a million and one distractions and of course other things you’d rather be doing. Go to a local coffee shop and get comfortable. Having a defined period away from your normal environment. This will help you dedicate finite time to get stuff done.

3. Prioritize: Most student make the mistake of doing the easy stuff first then putting the harder stuff off until later. The reality here…you will run out of time and you will be stressed. Do your hardest assignments first and get them out of the way. You’ll be surprised by the fact that you are much less stressed out by the end of your homework or study session and the quality of your work will be higher. In fact you might have time left over. We spend all spend a lot of time hemming and hawing over just getting started. If you know exactly what you have to do you can down to business get the hard stuff out of the way and possibly even be left with some free time.

4. Stay healthy: Students often times forget to take care of themselves during busy stressful times. Get at least 7 hours of sleep. You’re no go with only 2 hours of sleep. Plan ahead and put time in your schedule for sleep too! Don’t overload on junk. Too much sugar especially low glycemic carbohydrates have been proven to lower your brain function. Don’t overload on caffeine and energy drinks. It’s not worth it! The more you consume the more you need. Try drinking green tea instead. Also try upping your vegetable and raw food intake. You will be shocked at home much energy you get from raw food, it can even be more than that cup of coffee with no crash later…really! Take Vitamin C and a Vitamin B complex. Vitamin C improves oxygen flow to the brain and reduces stress. Vitamin B’s are also proven to restore you energy levels and relieve stress.

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