Blog Directory Pakkits: 5 Tips to Help Students Master Time!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

5 Tips to Help Students Master Time!

Procrastination- it's a word college students know all to well! It's easy to get side tracked or distracted. That is why managing time is so important. We'll be able to make better decisions and get more done! Remember, each day you fall behind makes it that much harder to catch up!

A clock can be a painful reminder that our work is not going to complete itself!

The key is to plan ahead. Here are some useful tips for making the most of time:

1. Create a List-    Write down everything you need to do. From assignments to personal stuff.   Organize it by when you need to get it done. Dates, Times Etc.

2. Determine the Importance of Each Item-    Somethings are more urgent than others. When you're creating your list of tasks, make a system that shows which things have more priorities and needs to get done now or soon.

3. Number Your Items-   Based on your priorities, designate numbers that show how urgent your tasks are. For example, 1 could represent a very important task, where as 3 and 4 could represent low priority tasks.

4. Scheduling-   Keep track of your priorities. Look ahead at what you have coming. Make sure you have time to get things done. And as new tasks come up in the future, make sure you write them down and identify the priority of them. Based on that you can determine how much flexibility you have to get it done.

5.  Now Get it Done-   This was inevitable. You've gotta put your plans into action. And make sure that you take care of the priority sooner rather than later. That way they don't become a headache for you later on!

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